Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Road Home Pt. 2 - Nantes July 9

We leave Bordeaux and drive north to Nantes.  One of the things to see in Nantes is a giant mechanical elephant (45 tonnnes and 12 metres tall).   You can ride on top and inside the elephant on a tour of the former shipyards where the elephant was constructed.  The elephant is powered by a large tractor behind it, but the legs move as does the head and trunk, which sprays water at small children.
Nantes, the former capital of Brittany, was the home of the Duke, and if you are a Duke you need a this one.  We tried to determine if the Edict of Nantes was signed in this castle, but the internet seems silent on this point.
The castle keep / chateau as viewed from inside the castle walls.

combination gargoyle and drawbridge shot.

One of the best gargoyle pictures we managed, the sun was in just the right position to illuminate the gargoyle, and not the wall.
In the old town section of Nantes, while out looking for an authentic Brittany Crepe and Cider we find a curious thing...Across the main street they have hung flags that are reminiscent of coats of arms ....until you look more closely
Imagine being the standard-bearer in a large medieval battle, what would the battle cry be? burns!!...Men rally to me, I am Archduke burning crotch (the third).
other curiosities in the harbour of Nantes

Sarah, standing on the platform over the elephant's head.

now off to Caen, via Carnac and Mt. St. Michel.

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