Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Road Home - Pt. 4 - Mont St. MIchel

Mont Saint-Michel sits on a lump of rock off the coast of Normandy.  The Mont has been a fortified site since ancient times, and the site of the Saint-Michel monastery since the 8th century.  The entire site is a UNESCO world heritage site.  Below is the view from the parking lot on the mainland.
As you walk down the causeway towards the island, you get a view of the fortified outer walls of the city.

The arrow slits in the outer fortified walls, where in days gone by "they" would be watching...., now "they" are still watching, but where are they?
View through the portal gate into the town.
On the walk up the mont to the abbey, we find a commemorative plaque, which reads on the 8th of May 1532 the abbot of Mont-Saint-Michel presented Jacques Cartier, the Navigator from St. Malo to Francois 1st.  The King of France charges him to explore the rivers of Canada.
The looking up at the abbey.

At low tide people will walk out on the mud flats to the mont

The refectory of Mont St. Michel abbey.

Next stop Caen.

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