Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Road Home Pt. 3 - Carnac July 10

From Nantes we drive along the coast to the small village of Carnac.  The entire area around Carnac has many megalithic sites of dolmens and menhirs.  A dolmen is a single chamber burial site, with a table like top.  Below is a dolmen
Inside the dolmen, the walls are covered with mystic tic-tac-toe.
an alignment of Menhir's or standing stones.
LUNCH - we follow the advice and directions of our lonely planet guide to France, and eat in a traditional long-house which is in the centre of a circle of menhirs.
inside the long-house, hand hewn timber ceiling - very cool place.
Is that rock looking at me?
YUM.  Raspberry crepe, originally from Brittany, being eaten in Brittany.

Next stop Mt. St. Michel.

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