Friday 20 July 2012

The Road Home Pt. 1 Bordeaux - July 7/8

Just prior to leaving Provence, the lavender was in full bloom, in the backyard, attracting butterflies...

 The pool, last day 84 degrees F
 View to the East terrace
 West terrace
 So long La Cerisaie - it was grand.
 The long and winding (narrow) road.
 Any room for people in here?  Oh no, here comes Christine with more bags (actually happened)
 Cathedral at Bordeaux, begun in 1096, with most of the work done in the 1300s.  Of course Bordeaux also a major wine region in france with many many many vineyards producing famous wines such as medoc.
 Tour Pey-Berland the bell tower located next to the cathedral.
 Bordeaux has an extensive and very modern light rail system - not sure but these might be Bombardier trains.
 evening light.
 Place de la Bourse, seen from the Mirror d'eau.  The Mirror is a splash pad with about 2 cm of water in it, which periodically drains, and then produces mist from hundreds of jets embedded in the surface of the splash pad.
 looking down the Mirror d'eau towards a church spire.

 The Dune du Pyla.  This sand dune is enormous, at 107 metres in height it is the highest in Europe.  The dune moves about 4m per year and has swallowed a pine forest, and a hotel.
 Keep moving girls or the sand dune'll get ya.
 Look down....way down
 Big doesn't really explain it.

 Travellers disappearing over the dune

 Even the light fixtures on the boardwalk in Bordeaux are cool.
 Kind of says it all....

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