Thursday 26 January 2012

Wednesday - Castle tour

So it looks like Wednesdays are turning into castle days...we hop in the car, and drive to the various villages to check out their castles.  Here is  a selection from the 25th.
First stop was just across the Durance river, in Pertuis, we didn't even know that they had some cool towers to look at, but apparently yes...  These pictures are all of the St. Jacques tower, one of the towers that stood guard as part of the old city walls of Pertuis.

Now down the road to the village of La Tour D'Aigues.  This we learned before hand had a cool 16th century chateau, or at least what remains of it.  It was built by the local Barron. It is an example of  a Renaissance style Chateau.

Just like any house, renovations are on-going.

 Christine standing on the draw-bridge, which doesn't draw any more, and the moat is empty..but still cool.
 Detail of the portico.
 Every grand chateau must have a sundial - these are the remains of the markings for the dial.
 Happy happy cherubs.
 The side of the chateau is now used as the playground for the local school.  I love how things get re-used / continue to be used.
 The view approaching the town on the level of the grape vines.
Next stop on the excursion is the village of Mirabeau.  Mirabeau used to control the crossing of the Durance river.  At first view, the Chateau commands the country side and says, hey, I'm a chateau, and there are people living here, and they very likely have pointed sticks, so look out !
 A nice building we saw when we parked, not sure who lives there but they a) have a very good gardener, and b) are not currently home (thus the shuttered windows)
 We climb higher towards the Chateau
 The fountain.  If you are a village without a fountain, you are nothing.
 We climb higher, finding more cool looking buildings and streets.
 Hey, these people look familiar.
 Now we are definitely getting somewhere.
 There must be a way in around here somewhere....
 In fact the main gate was just ahead, complete with a sign that essentially says, in the 1500s we didn't want you stinky peasants around here, and we still don't so go away.  Otherwise known as propriete privee.  So we leave, and use our fancy 21st century camera gear to try to see in the windows.
 The clock tower / bell tower of the local church.
 View from the church back to the chateau.
 we descend the village roads, and the girls find a park to play in.  I think this shot should be called 21st century siege of the chateau.  The siege engine just needs some wheels and some slaves, and we are all set.
 The Pont Mirabeau, the old bridge across the Durance, looking from one tower to the other.

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