Thursday 19 January 2012

Food - Installment #1

OK you foodies, we are in France after all, and at the end of our first three days here, I counted four empty wine bottles, and six kinds of cheese in the refrigerator.   To give you the information you crave, I made sure to remember my camera on the next trip to the grocery store.  Here is some basic stuff, no fancy patisserie here just a basic trip to the grocery store - to whet the appetite.

The Carrefour is very much like a Costco...big with everything.  So far their quality seems to be very good.
The little bread soldiers all lined up to be purchased (Baguette of various shapes and sizes)  Behind me are the croissants, the pain au chocolate (bake at home ones were awesome), the tarts etc etc
This is interesting, the pan that looks like a wok is about 3 or 4 feet in diameter.  This is a huge batch of sauerkraut and sausages.  In Canada we have the rotisserie chicken, in France the big pot of sauerkraut.
Behind the cheese counter where the full rounds of Morbier, Brie, etc etc, are patiently waiting on deck.
The fish counter, some of the days offerings, which are different each time we go.
One of the 5 or 6 aisles of wine - this one is just for Champagnes.  There is another for rose, 2 for white, and the rest reds.
New cheese of the week.  Coeur de Neufchatel.  Yes I did buy it partially because I figured the girls would like the heart shape, but also because I have never had it before. Below we have Sarah with the knife, and Rachel holding out her hand...NO..don't cut my heart.

In this case, broken hearts are ..... YUMMY

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