Wednesday 4 January 2012

January 4th - Out and About

Big accomplishment from yesterday was getting the girls registered at city hall to go to school.  They are registered at the oldest school in the village ... ecole Maurice Plantier, which has 115 students, a lot smaller than their school at home at 850.  School runs from 8:30 -4:30, which is longer but they get a hot lunch ...actually it sounds like the best meal they are likely to have all day - and there is no school on Wednesdays.  So no school today, lets see how long it takes to walk there...about 30 min.  This is our road ...yes somehow 2 trucks can figure out how to pass each other on this cart path!
 Looking up to the haut Venelles, I thought this was a water tower, nope its a church, and right beside is the school.
 The School through the fence.
Plaque on the front of the school
 With no school today, what should we do?  Drive to the Mediterranean of course.  This is the harbour town of Cassis, which is about a 50 minute drive from the house.  The stores were doing a booming business selling down jackets 'cause it was +12C and windy...that's our child in the sun-dress.
 Ok...if you have been to Quebec, you might think the French can't drive, well not so.  Those are Quebequois, they can't drive, they think they can...they might also think they are French...anyway...I digress, the French can PARK, they ain't bad at driving, but Holy Crap can they park!
 Ok so here we are in the south of France thinking +12C is mighty nice, and we come around a corner, and Christine says "Is that an ice rink?"...must investigate.  Looks like one, kids..check.....skates....check......helmets, check...schmaltzy tree for the holidays, check...ICE....NOPE.  That's PTFE..Teflon to you and I, and yes, the kids are falling on their derrieres just like real skating.
 And the beach at Cassis.

Next up..first day of school, bank account and other fun challenges for toddlers in the French language.

1 comment:

  1. Oh ya? well it was -2C here today and we have real ice rinks ... and L. Superior and ... and I'm jealous ... but very happy for you guys!
