Thursday 11 July 2013

July 7 - Exploring Lyon Pt. 3 - Lyon Traboules

Vieux Lyon has a set of "hidden\ passage ways (Traboules) which link streets together to form quick paths to the river.  (Also used in WW-II by resistance fighters).

While trying to find the entrance to our first traboule, which uses the front door of a buliding - via the courtyard, a nice french man came along and gave us a guide tour of the first 3 of these passageways.

The map found online that we were attempting to follow - great if you know how to open the various doors.
 This is a bust of Henry IV tucked away inside one of the traboules.
 Spiral stairway found in an interior courtyard.
 An italian inspired logia inside an interior courtyard.
 Another bust of Henry IV attached to a hotel .. he once stayed in this building.
 More covered walkways
 A tower inside an interior courtyard.

 View straight up from one of the courtyards.

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