Saturday 20 July 2013

July 15-18 Brussels

Well the English speaking continues.  We have a lovely apartment with lots of space, 2 bedrooms, a living area separate dining area, huge bathroom.  We are on the 5th floor of our building but there is an elevator so it is a much easier trip with the suitcases.

Brussels is a big- modern city, but quite charming once you find the old section.  We are not quite sure why you need an H&M every 2 blocks, but maybe that is what balances the chocolate shops and the bars selling terrific Belgian brews.

Winter Bunnies (what Sarah and Rachel thought I said when I said Wind Turbines)
I could learn to like Opera....or maybe this is how to tolerate it..this is actually a Creparie

 Escalators in Brussels are very very complicated affairs.
 On our walk to find the Brussels museum we find the Canadian Embassy - so far the only place in Brussels where English is not spoken.
 A Belgian version of the Arc de Triumph, celebrating 50 years of independence
 Venetian glass in the Brussels museum
 close up view of a winter can really see the ears.
 Cathedral - yup Notre Dame
 The pulpit is carved wood, and is unbelieveable.  Pictures just don't do it justice.
 Like all European cities, Brussels does a great job of public green spaces.
 The superior courts
 Brussels is the capitol of Europe, so we did a walk-past the European Parliament, and found a sign in all the languages of the EU.
 in the Museum there was a Paleo-LAB where the kids got to explore fossils etc.  This one was an exercise in putting the teeth of a T-Rex in the correct order...just a little further back my dear..
 Moon rock and moon flag.
 Old town of Brussels - the Royal Palace
 The Guilds (butcher, baker etc ) housed so that wares could be sold in bad weather.
 Part of the town hall.

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