Monday 16 April 2012

March 24 - Cassis and the Calanques

Cassis is a small fishing community about 1 hour from Venelles.  We have been there a few times now, and will likely visit some more.  Brenda and Beth left the villa for a few days in Cassis and we joined them there on the weekend.  This is the beach just down from their hotel.
Beth, Rachel and Sarah, from R to L - much nicer weather than the similar shot from March 21st entry!  But the girls are in the exact same order.
Lunch at one of the many harbourside cafes.
After lunch we took a boat tour to the Calanques.  A calanque is an inlet, usually to a river, and has steep sided limestone walls - not as big a fjord, but a similar idea.  Below are some of the Cassis fishing boats (barquettes) as we head out to sea on the tour boat.
The first Calanque we come to is about 1 mile deep, and is used a harbour.
The next one down the coast has a lovely beach, accessible only by boat, or hiking several hours along the coast.
One of the Emperor islands.
Looking up at the top of the limestone walls, erosion has left some interesting spires.
and even windows.
On our way back to port.
Cassis from the sea
Sunset, the best light of the day.
Barquettes x 4
The harbour at night.

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