Monday 2 April 2012

March 15 - Les Baux

Les Baux is a hill-top village, voted as one of the most beautiful villages in Provence.  It is also home to the Chateau of Les Baux, voted by the us as one of the coolest ways to build a castle you will see in a long time.  The day we went was quite foggy, and created quite a cool atmosphere, actually the atmosphere was cool...oh never mind.
Looking down on the village of Les Baux
A model in the visitor's centre showing a re-creation of the chateau, and walls.
Looking up the main street of the village.  Yes cars are allowed.

Looking at the various types of catapults...over there thorough yonder mist,..
To build the chateau of Les Baux, they used the cliffside, made of soft limestone, and essentially built the castle into the side of the cliff.
But behave, or we'll lock you in the stocks, and put you in the square to humiliate you....oops we left Patrick a little too long.
This is main entrance area to the Chateau called the Rabbit's hole.  It was overlooked by the sentry guards who could drop rocks etc on your head if you did not have honourable intentions.
Some detail showing the natural rock, and the arches that were part of the rest of the Chateau.
The Chateau wall as seen from the main courtyard below.
Looking down to the lower courtyard from the Chateau.
The pigeonery - where you would keep your pigeons for carrying messages, or for just being plain tasty.  Also christened the "wine rack" by one of our fellow travellers.
View from the Chateau down to the village of Les Baux.
We returned on a sunny day, the place looks completely different, the misty day is in many ways better, as you can't anticipate what is around the next corner.  Patrick or Michael decided that this was like visiting Minas Tirith.  
Once you get past all the shops selling fake swords, fake shields, real lavender, real herbs de provence we find a store worth visiting...and yes I did feel just like an adult in this store.

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