Thursday 28 June 2012

June 2 - Sisteron

On June 2nd we went to Sisteron.  We had driven past Sisteron a few times on our way to go skiing, but the citadel site is only open starting in April.  Sisteron is a fortified city on the banks of the Durance river, which guards a narrow passage between two mountain ridges.  The town was the northern border of the counts of Provence.  The citadel dates from the 12th century.

The citadel is built on the high ground of Sisteron, and overlooks the town, and the Durance river.

Looking up at the various levels of the Citadel.

The view down into the town of Sisteron.
The multi-layers of defence, the Donjon(L), and the Cathedral (R)
Sisters in Sisteron.
The poppies are in full bloom, and provide a nice contrast to the walls and guard towers of the Citadel.
It feels a bit like looking at the prow of a ship.  One deflects water, the other direct attacks.
One of the Guard towers, with the Rocher de la Baume in the background.  The rock is vertically tilted strata, providing a natural barrier on the other side of the River from the Citadel.
The upper ramparts (Great wall of Sisteron?) with Rocer de la Baume in the background.
The view from the upper ramparts showing the multiple levels of defence, both outer to inner, and upper to lower that the Citadel offers.
The Durance river far below.
a very cool weather vane.
Someone decided that there needed to be a passage from the top of the ramparts to the lower levels of the Citadel to move troops and arms.  So dig dig dig, 258 steps later you can travel inside the rock from the top to the bottom.

Rocher de la Baume, and the Citadel of Sisteron will continue to look out over the Durance watching for the next invasion (more Tour Buses no doubt)

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