Thursday 31 May 2012

April 27 - Zip Lining

Provence Aventure - Zip Lining and obstacle course in the trees

OK for the record, this was Melanie's idea.  Way back in December she had found a bunch of places in France, and worked on convincing everyone for the next 5 months that this would be FUN.
She was right, we had a blast, and have since gone back again, and will one more time when Christine's sister Alexandra and her family arrive.

There are more than just zip lines here, there are aerial tight-ropes, ladders, nets, logs to balance on, all manner of good stuff.  Think adult tree house on steroids.

There are 5 levels of course in order of difficulty - white (under age 7 only), yellow (up to age 9) , green ( 7 and up), blue (age 8 up), red (age 9 up), black ( age 14 and up).  The colours are very much like the European ski system, where black is HARD.  Well I assume it is, never tried it.  Red was more than enough for us.

FUN WOW aka the "Before" picture.
Taya on the training check-out course.
Sarah leading the way on Green
The vertical log balance rope, Green course dad looking confused by the tree.
Tony on the Green course, tight rope walking.
We went fishing and caught a Sarah on the green course
Melanie stepping off into the void on the Blue course, trust the safety system, be one with the safety system.
Rachel "I am never, repeat, never going zip lining in my life" Tribe rocking the yellow.
Sarah Leading the way for Melanie, and Christine on the Blue course.
You want me to go WHERE?
Melanie on the NET FROM HEdoublehockeysticks on the red course.
We expend lots of energy, and decide that the only solution is Pizza and whine, oops wine.  Tony fires up the wood oven in the back yard, and we cook up some build-your-own pizzas. A fine end to a fine day!


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