Sunday 19 February 2012

Cheese of the week

Ok, so cheese of the month is more like it.  We have new cheese every week, but the odds that the camera comes out to take a picture, before we eat it .... small

Anyway here are two cheeses that we tried this week:
 This cheese is Chabichou du Poitou.  This is goats milk cheese (gee could you tell from the goats on the label ?) The cheese is hand-made and uses un-pasturiezed milk (read...yummy).  With the label off you can see why the girls nicknamed it "Brain Cheese".  Very nice, white cheese with quite a mild flavour.
And this little number is Morbier.
You might interpret that line that goes through the cheese as a mould line (like in blue cheese) but it isn't.  Here is the story.  This cheese is made by the same farmers that make Comte.  After the morning milking, they get about 1/2  a cheese worth of curd left-over, so to help it stay fresh they cover it with a layer of ash.  Then the curd from the evening milking goes on top, and voilà, Morbier.  This is a cows milk cheese and has a quite mild flavour.

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