Wednesday 26 June 2013

Going two days..

Well, as the last post (September 2012) said, we are planning on returning to France.

The girls asked to go back to see their school friends, and we are leaving on Friday July 28th...the day after school ends in Canada.  School continues in France until July 5th so we'll be able to connect with their school friends in Venelles.

The plan is somewhat loose, but the general idea is:
Venelles - 4 or 5 days
Lyon 4 or 5 days
Strassbourg - 4 days or so
Luxembourg - 1 day
Brussels - 4 or 5 days
Arras (near WWI sites ) 1 day
Amiens 1 day
Paris 3 days
Home July 26th.

We'll post updates from the road!